109: Welcome to Your Big Creative Life!


The podcast is back and better than ever! Welcome to the new, rebranded Blank Page to Book podcast - now called Your Big Creative Life. Learn what you can expect in this new version and why I decided to make a change. 

- Click here for ways to work with me + a free character profile template: www.thekatiewolf.com/info

- The last Tuesday of the month is a Q&A episode! Submit your questions for me HERE.

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welcome to your big creative life!

Welcome to your big creative life, a podcast for writers and creatives that helps you live your best big creative life, whatever that means for you. I'm Katie Wolf, a writer, book editor and creator. Join me every week for tips and discussion on writing, mindset up leveling your life and anything and everything that will help you achieve your big creative dreams. Let's get started.


Hello, and welcome to the updated new and improved blank page to book podcast, which is now called your big creative life. I'm Katie Wolf. I'm a writer and editor, a book coach. And if you are new to the podcast, welcome, I'm so excited that you are checking out this video on YouTube or listening to the podcast. Blank page to book was a podcast that I did for about two years that was specific to writing. And we talked a lot about the creative process and mindset and all of that, but it was really specifically focused on writing tips. And earlier this year, I got to thinking about the kinds of episodes I was putting out and the kinds of content that I found most helpful for myself when I was first getting into writing, but also just the kinds of content that I want to be putting out into the world. And I realized that I wanted to expand a little bit more, I wanted to expand the podcast and talk about other things beyond just you know, three tips for this thing and how to write this thing, just to expand the focus a little bit. So that's kind of the reason behind the rebrand, I guess of the podcast.


And if you're watching this on YouTube, Hi, this is new, or we're putting the videos onto YouTube, which is really exciting. So you have options, you can listen to the podcast if you want to consume the content that way. Or you can watch the YouTube video, which is exciting. And let me just tell you, by the way, this is an exercise in letting go of perfection when it comes to putting stuff out into the world that you've created. Right? You maybe you can relate to this, if you're listening, I have wanted to put videos on YouTube of me doing the podcast for like, a year and a half, almost as long as I was doing blink page to book. But I had all these excuses about why I couldn't do it. Because my house in Nashville where I lived before, you know the room was an aesthetic enough. And I felt like I couldn't be on YouTube because I didn't have the perfect background. I didn't have the perfect lighting. And I didn't have the perfect camera.


Then we moved to Charleston, South Carolina, which is where I live now. And this house, you know, again that there was there are no windows in my office. So it's like while I have to have a ray of ring light. And you know, I'd have to like get myself all dolled up and do my hair and makeup and have the perfect outfits to do the podcast, if I'm going to be recording it on video. And I don't know about the setup. And I don't know if it's going to be good enough quality like 1,000,001 excuses for why I couldn't do this, I finally got to a point this fall where I was like, You know what, fuck it, I'm just going to do it. I'm just going to put this out onto YouTube, I don't really care. How I look, hopefully people are not, you know, tuning into this because of how I look they're tuning in because of the content. And it doesn't matter if the background is not perfectly aesthetic or have my desk trend under the desk treadmill, like propped up in the corner or crap behind me in the bigger room. That's behind me, which you can see if you're watching the video.


The point is, I'm just doing it anyway, even though it's not perfect. Even though I don't have all the shit figured out. I don't I still don't know if me recording on my computer is going to be enough, I might have to just record on my phone. But that's okay. It's a trial and error process. We're gonna figure it out, the more that we do this, right. And that's how it is with any creative thing that we put into the world. There's this pressure of like, wanting to get it perfect before we release it, wanting to get it perfect before anyone else sees it so that we can sort of stave off these negative reactions from people, these these reactions that we assume people are going to have because it's all in our head, right? It's all hypothetical at that point. It's like no, just just release the thing probably before you're ready before it's polished. 100%. Like just just put it out there you can improve as you go. And that's certainly the case with you know, that was certainly the case of the podcast when I first started it. It's the case with any content that I put out.


So you know if you need to hear that, if you can relate to that, like just put things out. Don't wait until you achieve perfection because that data is never going to arrive. There's never going to be a day where the stars align and everything is magically 100% Perfect. And that's the moment that you can release your perfect creation out into the world that just that doesn't exist. So going forward with the podcast, here's what you can expect. Episodes are going to come out still every Tuesday we'll have a new episode for you roughly the same length podcast episodes between 10 and 15/20 minutes at most. So, little episodes, talking about writing, yes, definitely going to still talk about writing. And I'll have writing tips for you but also about creativity, and mindset and just living this big creative life.


What does it mean to live a big creative life? Let's talk about that. Because it's, it's just this idea that I've really been playing around with this year. When I think about what I want for my own life. This idea of a big creative life, this is whatever dream life, you want to have it whatever that looks like for you, if you're big creative life, is achieving massive success as an author getting on the New York Times bestselling list or sending or selling millions of copies on Amazon as an indie author. And being able to afford all kinds of crazy vacations and writing houses that I don't know just any anything in terms of like material success. If that is your big creative life, that is fucking awesome. And I want that for you.


If you're big creative life, is just you dedicating time every single day to working on your writing, working on your book, doing something creative, doing something fulfilling, and maybe shutting yourself up in a cabin in the woods a couple times a year to finish something that is fucking awesome as well. And I want that so badly for you. Your big creative life is whatever you want, you get to decide what that means. In the episode that I'm releasing at the same time, as this one, this is just kind of an intro episode telling you about the switch and everything. But the episode that I'll be releasing with this one is all about intention setting for 2024. And I really encourage you to listen to that episode.


So you can start thinking about setting intentions for the year. And also think about what your big creative life looks like. being deliberate being intentional about what do you want to call in? What do you want to try to create what lights you up, what fills your cup, all of that is so important. And that's, that's the kind of stuff that we're going to be talking about on the podcast, because this has really been a journey for me over the course of the last really, six years, seven years or so about being intentional, really, since I started writing and creating the life that I want, and I'm not done. I'm still not there. You know, part of my big creative life does involve becoming a successful author, and I'm obviously not there yet.


So, but that's okay, you know, I'm taking steps and working towards that. And I'm willing to wait because my big creative life is worth it. And, you know, I'm willing to wait for that. So definitely encourage you to listen to that episode. Thank you, again, for your support with blank page to book. I'm gonna keep all the episodes on Spotify and Apple podcasts, you could definitely go back and listen to those. And I really hope that you stick around for this new iteration of podcasts, which I'm so excited about. Again, episodes are going to come out every Tuesday and yeah, I've got some really good stuff planned. So I'm very excited about the future of the podcast and can't wait to bring you more content about your big creative life.

Katie Wolf